Fateplay index
Theory - Articles on the fateplay method
(see also our articles section)
- The Play of Fate
a short introduction to the method, by Eirik Fatland.
- Skjebnespill som fortellerteknikk i levende rollespill
in-debth article by Lars Wingaard.
- Definitions
Definitions of the fateplay method, by the Freeweavers Lodge.
Practice - articles on fateplay-using larps
- Moirais Vev
Post-larp documentation of the 1997 fateplay "Moirais Vev", a dramatization of Greek myths.
- Book of Iron
Post-larp documentation of the 1998 fateplay "Book of Iron", by Mikko Saari
Relevant articles on other websites
- I Could a Tale Unfold Whose Lightest Word Would Harrow up Thy Soul"
Johanna Koljonen on the Swedish larp adoption of "Hamlet". In the anthology Beyond Role and Play.
- Knappnålshuvudet - a pre-event talk
Larpwright Daniel Krauklis interviewed by Phantasmata before the larp Knappnålshuvudet.